Randi Kennedy

When I first started my fitness journey I was in search of a healthy lifestyle that made me feel good from the inside out. I wanted to feel proud and confident. 

At the time I was 18 years old and quite petite. I wanted to learn how to build muscle and how to eat according to my goals.

Sadly most of the information available to women at the time (I’m looking at you Women’s Health & Cosmopolitan Magazine, circa 2012) was geared towards cardio, bodyweight style workouts and tons of fad dieting approaches. I was confused and had no idea where to start.

Years later, I wanted to lose weight. I tried multiple dieting approaches that were both extreme and restrictive, because that’s what I thought it took.

I had no social life, feared social gatherings and holidays because of the food, and had no idea how to eat according to my goals without a strict meal plan… Sound familiar?

Initially I lost the weight, but it was impossible to maintain because of the extreme restrictions and excessive cardio.

Eventually, my body said enough is enough and I went down a deep dark hole of hormonal imbalances. This was a huge wake up call for me in many ways! It forced me to realize that my "health and fitness approach” was the furthest thing from healthy, and that unsustainable approaches were a waste of time. I knew there had to be a better way!


This is why I created CONFIDENCE by Randi.

To save women like YOU a lot of time and frustration. So that you don’t need to make the same mistakes that I did.

My mission is to educate & empower through fitness and nutrition. To teach women how to nourish their body, how to train according to their goals, and create sustainable lifestyle changes that yield long lasting results.

I want to help YOU become your most vibrant, happy, and confident self.

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